Model                       :                   Dejon 14

Cockpit                    :                   Rear

Year                           :                  1970's

Engine & Fuel         :                  Evinrude outboard petrol

Capacity                   :                  25 hp

Toilet                         :                  Outside!


Thanks for letting me publish the details of a surviving Dejon.


We found her on eBay, lying beside a house in Gardenstown after being capsized and dragged to the bottom of the harbour due to the violent storms last year. 9 months down the line I think that the restoration is a fine example of how hard work and long hours can make a BIG difference.
Hull: scraped & antifoul paint applied
Keel: replaced the original steel band with a new aluminium one
Cabin: painted
Engine: replaced with Evinrude 25 hp electric start
Other little niggly bits also replaced e.g. windows and rubbers